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Collapsed post?

Looking at it as a non-logged in user: Above the tag list, there is a link "Show more" so, the posting is longer then what you have set in your preferences for the length of a posting after which it should be shortened.
Yes, I confirm that I can click "show more", but usually I see more of the posts, here I only see the empty quote box and the author's avatar :/
this is the direct link to my post, it's collapsed even at the direct link
When I access this link and press "Show more", I can see 4 paragraphs of text, inside and outside the share block. The "Show more" feature doesn't discriminate between timeline and single post display.

What were you expecting exactly?
I was expecting to see a bit more of the collapsed post, with a few lines of text and maybe the link preview that's at the bottom of the post. At least that's what I'm used to from Google+.

It's not a big deal if what I see is correct, I was just expecting something a bit different 😀
@Patrick Marchiodi you can configure the length of the text to show before collapsing the rest in "Settings -> Addons".
I set the option to show 1000 characters before collapsing. Now I edited the post and added a link before the shared post, and it shows. Maybe it shows the text before the shared post but then collapses everything from the shared post onwards?
This is a quirk of the Show More addon: it counts characters in the HTML text, not in the displayed text. For example, the URL to "Zel"'s profile is 504 characters long, and the proxified URL of their profile picture shown at the head of the share block is 347 characters long, which eats most of the 1,000 allowed characters before the break. And then there are HTML tags and attributes that get counted as well and you don't have anything left for actual displayed text.
That must be it! Thanks, i'll see if I can work with this 😁