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Jean-François Dupuis is an Illustrator/Photographer Canadian artist since 1993.

The main difference between Fine Art and Illustration?
• Fine art is a creative piece of art made by an artist, a painter or a sculptor and is exhibited in an art show for sale.
• Illustration refers to works of art that appeal to the human eye like drawings and paintings commissioned for reproduction
in print or other media.

Jean-François' work is created digitally, using photo reference and found objects as the basis of his montages. These collages then take on a unique perspective with the additional painterly touches and techniques which Jean-François applies.
Serigraphy (screen printing)?
"Any piece of art created for a magazine’s front cover or a movie poster for that matter is looked upon as an illustration. Drawings that appear in the children’s magazines, family magazines, and newspapers are all called illustrations. The very purpose of illustration is to get it printed."