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Still ashamed to be an American.
And honestly if you're not, at this point - something is probably wrong.
I'm not ashamed to be American. I'm happy to be German though.

On the other hand, why do you blame the trumpet on all Americans.
well, I meant for americans of course.

And yes, Trump doesn't represent the majority here - but Nazis only got 40% in the last fair election in Germany in the 30s. Currently Trump is getting about 48%. Also, look at QAnon.
there are beautiful places and people here :blobcatcomfyuwu:
sure, I still live here after all and am not planning on leaving. The good people are a majority - but a sadly slim one.
all the conspiracies, the idiotic conservative politicians, the news, etc. It's an embarrassment that these people have power.
you really have no idea, do you
hey my federated feed is full of conspiracy theorists now cuz apparently the right wing instances (noticeably brighteon and quodverum) are getting new users. But they are the fringe. There are bad actors of all sides of the political spectrum
you're already a conspiracy theorist, you just don't see it. Two weeks and you'll be agreeing with them and always pointing to a more extreme group as the ones that are "the fringe".
What makes me a conspiracy theorists? Liking #Trump?
you repeated a post from someone larping as ted kaczynski about a wtc7 conspiracy.
LOL that doesn’t mean I believe what he’s saying! Alex Jones is a nut
if you repost crazy stuff, people will think you believe it. I haven't seen you reposting (well I can't give you a good example here because leftists don't actually have dumb conspiracies that are mainstream - but you don't repeat much mainstream leftist stuff either).
leftists don’t actually have dumb conspiracies that are mainstream
Umm…the claim that #Trump colluded with #Russia? Masks and lockdowns combine effectively stop the spread of #COVID? #JoeBiden won the 2020 election? Three MASSIVE left wing conspiracy theories that are mainstream, and those were just the past four years.
the Trump-Russia collusion is not nearly comparable. Russia interfered, Trump benefitted, proving they coordinated is obviously very hard to do.

Masks and lockdowns do help. that's not a conspiracy theory. Do you even understand what a conspiracy is? You might want to look up the scientific process before making dumb claims like this.

And Biden has won. He has ~5 million more votes than Trump and has won MI, WI, PA, AZ, etc.

Conservatives like you view simple facts as "liberal conspiracies". This is proving my original point - you don't know how far down the rabbit hole you are here.
> biden has won
no, he hasn't. the votes have not been certified and the constitutional process is not complete. CNN just up and decided it, which doesn't make it true. (for instance, Trump just won one of the lawsuits regarding ballots that failed to have the voter identities verified by the state law's own cutoff date.)

Twitter nuking New York Post's account for covering Hunter Biden is very close to left wing conspiracy though. Google stamping "the AP has called the race for Biden" on everything (when AP is *not* who decides who the P is) is awfully close.
well no shit. The electoral college hasn't voted yet. You're being pedantic here - the election has taken place, we have a clear winner.

Twitter deleting the account of someone for violating their ToS is not a conspiracy. Nor is google trying to prevent the spread of misinformation.
> violated the ToS
No, they didn't. Twitter claimed it was "hacked material." The providence of the material was legitimate salvage. It was known to be legitimate salvage at the time they claimed it was "hacked."

It was a completely malicious call and they knew it which is why they got flamed in congress.
oh boy Republicans don't like that Twitter censored their conspiracies, what a surprise. So much for "freedom"

I guess they never claimed to be libertarians, at least.
> we have a clear winner
RCP retracted Biden below 270 :cirno_shrug:
doesn't look like it to me though their site is bad on mobile
Hold on mew; you disagree with me, so you call me a conspiracy theorist. Yet I point out real theories and fake news balony, and they’re all things that you’ve fallen for?

I think it’s a trap to run around dismissing people as “conspiracy theorists” for disagreeing. You calling me a conspiracy theorist was uncalled for and unfounded.
remember when we all laughed at "alternative facts"? Oh wait. You actually believed them. Lmao
I agree that there are left-wing conspiracies - but they are nowhere near as common as right-wing ones. Nor are they anywhere as dangerous to the modern world. So I couldn't come up with easy examples, because they just haven't been that prominent recently.
Um…the conspiracy theory that law enforcement as a whole is racist and hunts down black people literally sparked riots all across the #USA that have been going on for over a hundred days and led to fires, deaths, explosions and millions of dollars of property damage, not to mentioned shuttered businesses and destroyed economies.

That’s a textbook example of a left wing conspiracy theory that is mainstream and dangerous
that's not a conspiracy theory, it's a strawman.
Are you even considering my arguments, or only dismissing them?
no, I'm telling you, you are just flat-out wrong about what you think people on the left think.
Wait…so they don’t believe that most cops are racist, they don’t think mask mandates plus lockdowns work, they don’t believe that #Trump colluded with #Russia, and they don’t believe that #JoeBiden won this year’s election?

As far as I know, leftists believe all of that hooey.
> Most cops are racist
Regardless of the belief - not a conspiracy
> Mask mandates plus lockdowns work
Again, not a conspiracy either way - this is science. What, would you accuse Einstein's theory of gravity a conspiracy when he was presenting them? This is not how science works
> Trump colluded with Russia
See my earlier post for the explanation, not repeating myself.
> Joe Biden won
Yes, he did. Again, you conservatives can't even deal with basic facts, you've all gone batshit crazy. I remember when y'all thought Romney won too - but at least he conceded when he lost.
>> most cops are racist
> Regardless of the belief - not a conspiracy

Lol someone who never has actually done basic research.
Maybe you should get to know a few of them; you know they have meet ups sometimes... oh wait, some nigger thought locking down everything was a good idea. Look at them suicide statics :lainsmile:
Who knew violating someone’s basic autonomy and ability to continue their business for months wasn’t a good idea!?! :laughing_cirno:

Oh wait... fuck, I remember; it’s “science”; more people kill them selves in isolation was proven by statics, but that’s nothing right? Because it isn’t “science” it’s common fucking sense :P
it's not a conspiracy theory because there's no conspiracy. "Most X believe Y" is not a conspiracy theory.
It’s a lie; not a conspiracy.
It’s not fact.

Again if you met these people you’d see that; also watch the body cam footage.

Fact is, most cops aren’t racist.
You just don’t read or watch anything that would show you otherwise
do you lack the capability to understand this? Regardless of the truth of the claim, which I am making no claim to, it's not a conspiracy theory.
All conspiracy theories are a claim.
I don’t think you thought this through
conspiracy theories are claims... about conspiracies.

"Most X think Y" isn't a conspiracy
But look friend, we all know politicians are only good for one thing; fucking little kids ofc!

No motherfucker who pushed for lockdowns did it for you.
And Biden won most likely from voter fraud (which was made easier by covid)
Hilarious, we are all laughing; a senile old creep is in office soon with a bitch in tow.

Good job retards... sorry the proper terms are “Americans” who live in urban environments; you got what you fucking deserve. Our future pedo-shielder in chief!
That cunt of a VP is crazier then my ex, which almost got me killed ❤️
At least she was cute
I don't think you actually have any idea how the US electoral system works. And yes, I remember bush v gore just fine.

The election should be decided by people, not land, citing the county map is peak :facepalm_cirno:
Thanks for ignoring my whole post just to lie about your age. You're a zoomer through and through bud.

> The election should be decided by people, not land, citing the county map is peak facepalm_cirno

lol Democrats kept the house and the Senate doesn't represent people equally. Unless this is satire/trolling.
Give me a legitimate response FOR FUCKS SAKE, not some halfass handwaving. You've made claims that I've asked for your evidence on. I'm not doing that because I haven't seen it, I'm asking because I HAVE seen the "evidence" and it's insufficient. If more evidence has come out since then I'm willing to change my mind, something I've seen you refuse to do. Until I get a legitimate response from you, answering the questions I asked, or at least acknowledge I asked them, I'm just not going to reply to you legitimately anymore. 17 and under shouldn't be allowed on the web.
all caps, swearing, and ad hominem attacks aren't indicative of someone who I'd be likely to have productive discourse with.

Nor is your personality decent enough to be worth interacting with you otherwise.

> I'm not going to reply to you anymore

Don't threaten me with a good time :blobcat3c:
@realcaseyrollins@counter.fedi.livehey, at least we got him to walk back twitter lying about why they deleted the oldest running newspaper's account for .. reporting news. @mewmew@lucifargundam@p
new york post is just a tabloid how old they are doesn't matter.

And no, I didn't walk back anything, nor is that even relevant? Discussions aren't won or lost based off of how many "omg I got them to walk something back" points you can score. That's bad-faith.
considering twitter itself had to walk that back in congressional hearings, you not being able to admit they fucked up when their CEO literally had to..

i'm pretty sure you just do this to be shitposting. :comfyshrug:
meh whatever, you win, I don't care enough about this story to research it fully. Keep reading your new york tabloids while hating on the costal elites.
> that's not a conspiracy theory, it's a strawman.

Tell me what you see:

That's one half-assed query.
"literally" has (frustratingly) taken on an ironic meaning.
ok, I'll give you israel.

The "secret Nazis" stuff is a strawman, that's not stuff any prominent leftist politician (in the usa anyway) is promoting.

I'm anti authoritarian too but I think a government is actually required for this - corporations are just as much a threat to freedom as the government.
And I'm proud to be an American where at least I know I'm free :back_from_gab:
work or starve is freedom? :comfyuee:

Also you're from Mississippi :comfyuee: it's not like the people of your state chose freedom, they had it enforced upon them :comfyuee:
"Work or starve" is the same rule for everyone, not just Americans. Matter of fact *most living things* need to work or starve.

There will come a day when machines will do *all* of our chores, but we're not there yet.

then everyone will starve, except for the machine owners.

That's what we're trying to prevent but regressives think it's "spooky scary socialism" or whatever