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How many books do you read in a year?

#Poll #EvanPoll

  • 5 or fewer (34%, 274 votes)
  • 6 to 20 (38%, 304 votes)
  • 21 to 65 (19%, 159 votes)
  • 66 or more (7%, 62 votes)
799 voters. Poll end: 1 year ago

Evan Prodromou reshared this.

@PsychoSanta I don't think it's easy to get your answer, if that's any consolation
@starrwulfe@PsychoSanta So, that's an absolutely insane number of books to read.
do audiobooks count?
@sabri reads 82350897230847102375

and she is soon going to be the person who has read the most books in the world
I know the answer to this because I use playing cards as bookmarks, and I go through roughly one deck per year.
ask me how many books I check out from the library and carry around for a while. A very different number!
Only recently moved from <5 to >66, by way of the magic of audiobooks. Not only broadening my range, but also making joy of everyday drudgery like dishes and slow dog walks. 😀
books not so many, I confess. #Wikipedia articles, a LOT.
great question. I am an obsessive reader, love books
I was gonna lie and say over 60 but I decided to go for a modest lie instead.
I'd be curious what the highest number is in your survey. How anymore than 66 are people reading?
@Anthony I don't understand your question.
sorry, I mean what's the most books someone has read within the last year. Reading 66 is a lot
@Anthony I don't have access to that information. People just choose one of the 4 options.

The options are 5, 15, 45 and higher. It seemed to map out approximately to what I think means "a few" "some" "a lot", "really a lot" and I liked the proportions.
you missed the "too fee" option 😀
21+ if we’re strictly interpreting “read” to mean using one’s eyes.
66+ if we’re using “read” more loosely to also include listening to audiobooks.
There’s quite a difference between reading 6 and 20 books a year!
@simon yes the difference is 14
That is exactly right! 😂
Sadly, due to cataracts, I’ve jumped from the highest 2 categories to the lowest one. 🙁 Surgery next month, though.
@deirdresm oof. Have audiobooks been an OK substitute?
They are *really* hard to follow with my ADHD unless it’s a biography. I’ve been reading a lot of shorter pieces, though.

I’m legally blind in my dominant eye and get migraines from trying to focus all the time (and not being able to).
I havnt finished a book in years, but volume-wise (accounting for articles, news, posts and microblogs) Im sure I read the equivalent of several books a year.
I try to keep an average of two a month, but I struggle to maintain that.
IDK, I still haven’t finished the one called “the web”
Define "book". 😁
On average or estimated for 2022?
I like the groupings. I read more than one book a month but fewer than one a week* so it was easy to figure out where I fit.

* Usually. Vacations often are multiple books a week.
Next poll should be:
How many books do you have in your to-be-read and to-be-finished piles, where “piles” includes both physical books and unread e-books?
fascinating question. There are a lot of readers here!
the most energy efficient means of travel #books
I slightly different poll would be "how many books have you bought in the year". My tsundoku stack is 2 to three times my read stack. 📚
If we are counting audiobooks that more than 20.
I am to average a book a week, but some take longer, some take less.
mostly “read” audiobooks at this point, avidly!
Wow, these are interesting results.

I'm somewhere in the 21-65 range, probably at the low end.
I’m a dad of three young children. I really aimed high with a goal of ten this year. I’ve finished six ☹️
- I missed voting in the poll proper, but most years I'm somewhere between about 35-50. I usually set my Goodreads "goal" to 75 just for motivation, but I've never hit 75. I'm at 34 for the year right now.
I found this very interesting. I read a lot! I would average over 2 books a week, over 5 some weeks. Probably read for over 2 hours every day. I would rather read than watch TV. Ebooks have saved me from books overtaking every room in my house.
fascinating results and responses. I set myself a target to read 26 books this year after failing to read 52 the year before. I've currently read 46, and I've time for a couple more before the end of the year. Mostly fiction, but a few non fiction in there too. Mostly on my kindle, but I read a few physical books this year too.
My Netflix watching has suffered😃, but I'm not too bothered about that.
I'm no longer able to read books because I am too horribly overwhelmed, but I still buy them at a healthy clip!
I’m only able to read in the evening in bed. So I’ll just go for 6 to 20.