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If you are a citizen of any EU Member State, I implore you to consider signing the Tax-the-Rich citizens' initiative:

The idea is to tax the super rich and then use the money for climate transition. :blobcathappypaws:

This is an official EU citizens' initiative, meaning that if it reaches certain thresholds, it *will have to be* considered by the EU institutions. That's a really powerful tool, if actually used.

So we should use it. :blobcatcool:

#TaxTheRich #EU

This entry was edited (8 months ago)

Hypolite Petovan reshared this.

@rysiek: two things.

first, a Facebook tracker on a site telling to tax the rich
two, site doesn't work with NoScript

This entry was edited (8 months ago)

here's the site:

Yeah, we can't win them all.

You are of course more than welcome to go *harumph* and decide that a tool that is actually potentially effective in *simultaneously* dealing with wealth inequality and climate change is just not usable for you because of these flaws.

Or, you can — as I did — fire up a Tor Browser, sign the petition, and be on your way. It's really not that hard. If you care so much about privacy, you have ways. 🤷‍♀️

@Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦 @Oliwier Jaszczyszyn
Also, I recommend sending a feedback using a form on the last screen about the lack of options to share other than corporate social media.
(I sent one).

screenshot - feedback proposal about fediverse sharing on page of EUROPEAN CITIZENS’ INITIATIVE

#fedigov #EuropeanCitizensInitiative