2021-11-09 16:02:32
2021-11-09 12:21:58
2021-11-09 12:21:42
I would like to warn all Fediverse users about the account @Sophia Shakira Brown. This user is trying to blackmail me with, fortunately untrue, accusations. Previously, the user tried to get my phone number and email address in a private chat. Please do not give such data to unknown people. I would like to ask @David Morley to block the user. I am still thinking about filing a complaint with the police. @Eckhard
#problem #help #podmin
like this
Kenny Chaffin, nadloriot, Tony Langmach and Christian Bredlow like this.
Kenny Chaffin
•Andreas Geisler
•Obvious scammers are obvious.
Adam Hunt
•Olaf (gone to dapor.net)
•ꂵꄲ꒤ꋊ꓄ꋬ꒐ꋊ ꃳ꒐ꀘꏂ 𝔸𝕕𝕕𝕚𝕔𝕥
•And now her account is gone.
Fuck them.
Andreas Geisler
•Fake accounts are usually fairly easy to vet.
ꂵꄲ꒤ꋊ꓄ꋬ꒐ꋊ ꃳ꒐ꀘꏂ 𝔸𝕕𝕕𝕚𝕔𝕥