First of all, sorry for my English, I use a translator.
I am using Friendica version 2024.12, database version is 1576/1576 and the post update version is 1550/1550.
I have changed my storage in Friendica from “Database” to “Filesystem”.
I have selected /var/friendica_storage as the path -> drwxr-xr-x 258 www-data www-data 4096 2 Mar 15:49 /var/friendica_storage
This setting was also applied:
sudo -u www-data bin/console storage list:
Sel | Name
* | Filesystem
| Database
Then I execute the following:
sudo -u www-data bin/console storage move
[2025-03-02 14:49:46] Moved 5000 files
[2025-03-02 14:49:50] Moved 5000 files
[2025-03-02 14:49:55] Moved 5000 files
[2025-03-02 14:49:59] Moved 5000 files
[2025-03-02 14:50:04] Moved 5000 files
[2025-03-02 14:50:08] Moved 5000 files
[2025-03-02 14:50:13] Moved 5000 files
[2025-03-02 14:50:18] Moved 5000 files
[2025-03-02 14:50:22] Moved 5000 files
[2025-03-02 14:50:27] Moved 5000 files
[2025-03-02 14:50:33] Moved 5000 files
[2025-03-02 14:50:38] Moved 5000 files
[2025-03-02 14:50:43] Moved 5000 files
[2025-03-02 14:50:49] Moved 5000 files
[2025-03-02 14:50:54] Moved 5000 files
[2025-03-02 14:50:59] Moved 5000 files
[2025-03-02 14:51:04] Moved 5000 files
[2025-03-02 14:51:10] Moved 5000 files
[2025-03-02 14:51:16] Moved 5000 files
[2025-03-02 14:51:22] Moved 5000 files
[2025-03-02 14:51:27] Moved 5000 files
[2025-03-02 14:51:32] Moved 5000 files
[2025-03-02 14:51:37] Moved 5000 files
[2025-03-02 14:51:44] Moved 5000 files
[2025-03-02 14:51:49] Moved 5000 files
[2025-03-02 14:51:54] Moved 5000 files
[2025-03-02 14:52:00] Moved 5000 files
[2025-03-02 14:52:02] Moved 2180 files
[2025-03-02 14:52:03] Moved 137180 files total
[Error] Friendica\Console\Storage::doExecute(): Return value must be of type int, null returned
It ends with this error message. But the files are present in the /var/friendica_storage folder.
The query in MariaDB shows that the images are still stored in the database:
MariaDB [xxxxxxxxxxxx]> SELECT COUNT(*) FROM photo WHERE data IS NOT NULL;
| COUNT(*) |
| 137228 |
1 row in set (0,419 sec)
MariaDB [xxxxxxxxxxxx]> SELECT COUNT(*) FROM photo WHERE data IS NOT NULL;
| COUNT(*) |
| 137246 |
1 row in set (0,39 sec)
But probably also in /var/friendica_storage, because this is getting bigger.
So the images are now saved simultaneously in the database AND in the /var/friendica_storage folder, including new images!
I have now tried this process twice and both times the error occurred. I restored my database backup.
What have I done wrong, what can I improve or change?
Michael 🇺🇦
table are always there. Only the location changed. And thestorage
table doesn't shrink by itself. You have to executeoptimize
on it an SQL console to actually remove all the deleted parts.Jools [Friendica]
•@Michael Vogel Danke für die schnelle Antwort!
Dann schreibe ich mal in deutsch weiter, da kann ich mich besser ausdrücken. 😉
Ist es denn normal, dass die Einträge weiterhin mehr werden, wenn ich
Und diesen Fehler:
[Error] Friendica\Console\Storage::doExecute(): Return value must be of type int, null returned
kann ich den dann einfach ignorieren?
Michael 🇺🇦
-Tabelle wird weiter anwachsen, das ist völlig normal. Nur die `storage'-Tabelle sollte jetzt leer sein. Ich schätze, dass der Fehler ganz am Ende nicht wirklich viel bewirkt hat. Meiner Erinnerung nach werden die Einträge bereits zwischendrin gelöscht.Jools [Friendica]
•@Michael Vogel Ah ok, dann hatte ich tatsächlich in der falschen Tabelle geschaut, kein Wunder. 😅🙈
Ich habe das jetzt noch mal durchlaufen lassen, mit dem Ergebnis:
Die Datenbank insgesamt war zuvor 3547,86 MB, jetzt 698,61MB.
Die Storage-Tabelle war vorher 2895,75MB, jetzt 14,02MB.
In der Storage-Tabelle waren zuvor 137492 Einträge, jetzt 36.
Dann hat das wohl geklappt, würde ich sagen.
Vielen Dank für die schnelle Antwort und Hilfe! 👍
•@Michael 🇺🇦 @Jools
Hi, I have a question
sudo -u www-data bin/console storage move
it was used? When I installed and configured #friendica on my server , i changed the storage to filesystem , what i did i created the storage folder (out of the friendica folder) , aftersudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/storage
in Storage Administration Filesystem I entered the path and it is saved/var/www/friendicastorage
I missed something? what i did is correct?
Jools [Friendica]
•@Anomaly Because I wanted the pictures from the database 🤷♀️
@Michael Vogel
•Jools [Friendica]
•Hypolite Petovan
•Jools [Friendica]