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Yesterday I shot my #Nextcloud instance by switching my server's #PHP version from 7.3 to 7.4, I learned I should have waited for version 18, don't be like me.
It's okay, it was just unavailable for about a day, but it wasn't an enjoyable experience.
Thanks for reminding to update, finally I got rid of 7.3. Hopefully nothing else broke 😀

By the way I also did the same a while ago but Nextcloud 18 wasn't available. Then very first v.18 release happened but it also didn't work with PHP 7.4 (some bug maybe) so I forgot about it for a while.
Sorry to gloat, but the Docker image makes these problems go away.
@Brad Koehn ☑️ Gloat away, not using Docker is a personal choice. I'm afraid of the performance overhead on a crowded server and devops is neither in the purview of my current job nor in my interests.
I got lucky and tripped across the information about it not supporting PHP 7.4 until Nextcloud 18. I was hunting for the info, but I felt lucky that I saw definitive info on it.

Now to run the update to NC 18.1 or whichever is sitting there in the stable updates waiting for me to break the whole show.
I'm on the stable channel and it still shows me version 17.0.5?
Weird, it is 18.0.3 in there for me, I updated last week.
They're aware of how risk averse you are? heh

18.0.3 is what I have listed, too. I haven't done it yet, I just went through having the auth taken out with the most recent app updates. Don't want to blow a botched full upgrade during this weekend.
I'm on the stable channel and it still shows me version 17.0.5?
Sometimes it helps to switch to beta channel and after some minutes to switch back to stable. Or you run the updater.phar from command line.
@Hypolite Petovan I had a similar experience with 7.4 and Friendica some weeks ago. Just saying. 😜
I currently have to stick with a much older version because my #systemd free #Devuan is not providing never versions of PHP than 7.0 ... I'm still patient about.

And it is a shame that many programming languages are not so well backwards-compatible like #Java was. Yes, was. Until #Oracle stepped in and messed it up. I cannot launch #Payara application server under latest Java 13 version while the specification says it should. Java saves the binary version number inside the compiled .class file so the JVM will automatically switch to the older standard. It is a shame, what Oracle did here. So I still with Payara 4.1 and #OpenJDK 8 for a little longer.

Yes, off-topic. But still relevant due to incompatible upgrades.
I'm using this non-official repo for newer PHP packages on Devuan:
I use the same repo under regular Debian too.
A wget -O - | apt-key add was required here to make the famous NO_PUBKEY message go away. 😀
I have some unresolved dependencies in php-imagick, php-recode and php-mbstring when it tries to upgrade to 7.4. 7.3 seem to be unavailable in those meta packages.
I was able to install 7.3 extensions with apt install php7.3-[extension]
I like to stay with the meta packages to "ease" upgrades. Plus php7.4-mbstring requires a non-existing library. 😕
use beowulf. There is no real reason not to except "installers haven't been fully tested". The upgrade path should be alright.
What is that? A Debian-based distribution or something completely else?
That'd be Devuan's next stable release. It has been stable on servers long enough and now is officially beta.
Na, maybe if I would run my development server in a virtual environment I would try beta releases, but not on my "productive" server because I like to keep thinks smooth and not risky.