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Video game idea: First person action-stealth where the objectives become less specific and their location less precise as the main character unravels a global conspiracy that leaves them stranded from their initial tactical support. Starts with a hi-tech PDA with a laundry list of concise objectives, detailed map and GPS-accurate coordinates only to devolve into vague handwritten notes and crude napkin sketches for maps.

#VideoGames #VideoGameDesign

This entry was edited (8 months ago)
I remember Thief: The Dark Project (1998) has a pretty detailed map of the first level, then the maps become progressively less detailed as the levels become more bizarre.
one of my all time favourite games ❤️
@Beko Pharm I hit a difficulty wall in the mission where you have to steal the sword, the geometry of the level confuses me to no end.
yeah that map was a mind game 😁
I'm imagining A Beautiful Mind vibes where it becomes more and more clear than the objectives were vague in the first place ... you're just slowly gaining enough sanity to realize it was all in your head to begin with.

First mission briefing:

  1. [li] Talk to Informant.[li] Go to South entrance.[li] Neutralize 2 guards.[li] Avoid surveillance cameras.[li] Neutralize target.[li] Escape through service corridor.[li] Extraction at the mountain road.

Last mission briefing:

  • [li] ???[li] Save the world.