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1. Install a game via Steam.
2. Play the game until ragequit.
3. Uninstall the game.
4. Years pass.
5. "Oh I'd play that game again".
6. Install the game.
7. Find old save, resume the game at the exact point I initially quit it.
8. Uninstall the game.
9. Go to 4.


This entry was edited (10 months ago)

@Hypolite Petovan
I do it pretty much same way except for 7.

I play new game instead 😀

@Schmaker I tend to play games with heavy time investment, so picking up old saves seems to be a great way not to have to invest the same time in the early game.
So do I, but I have hard time to get back into story without starting over again 😀
@Schmaker Oh I'm with you, I just get regularly fooled thinking I can pick it up where I left years ago.

have that problem with Piku Niku

I hate dance/rhythm games (those that need you to press buttons in the order as shown)

I just hate this ... and there is no way to pass/skip it.

This was me for years with XCOM 2, except each time I quit it was because I got my squads wiped out.
@🌿Sprig🌿 🏳️‍⚧️ That is a great game to do that infinite loop: “I can skip the slow early game to get to the interesting part… and I team-wiped”.