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#COVID Update: My kid tested positive as well, so his other dad dropped him off at our apartment and now we are a full COVID family under one roof. I thought about putting a sign with bloodied letters on the door: "COVID Inside"
😱 hang in there!
At least it happened in the new flat with more space. How are you getting food and other stuff?
We're getting supermarket deliveries. We can pick what we want on a website, and it's delivered to our door the same day if we want. I know it's exploitative but at this point I'll take it.

Same for laundry, someone can pick up our full bag of dirty laundry and drop it off the next day, clean and folded.
I also hope you two will recover soon. Do you have only light cases of Covid? If so, the worst is probably having to stay indoors and not getting too bored...
@KAOS Symptoms are varied, in order from least convenient to most convenient, it's my partner, myself and my kid. There's no boredom to be had, mainly because we adults are both pretty tired, so we don't enjoy as many waking hours. I'm also in good enough shape to work, even if I slightly reduced my hours.
Wish you well. Soon you will be a family of true survivors.
I am sorry to hear this. :( I wish you all a speedy recovery.
Does anybody have symptoms?
Sorry to hear that - all the best and get well soon!
Good luck and recover well.
just wondering, but what brought about your child getting tested?
whom administered the test on your child and did it cost anything?
were you all tested after the child was dropped off, or were things just presumed given the proximity?
were all adults in the house still working prior to the quarantine and if any were taken out of work have their been any compensation measures put in while the quarantine is surfed out (or does the house just happen to have enough money to financially take on a "shelter in place"?)

appreciate the time for answering questions, as there's just a lot since the start of all of this that's left me perplexed as to how this all works and haven't had a chance to speak with any in a situation like yours.

sorry to hear, and surf the waves.
what brought about your child getting tested?
He had stayed with me just before the start of my symptoms.
whom administered the test on your child and did it cost anything?
I do not know, probably a doctor at one of the several urgent care clinics. It didn't cost anything.
were you all tested after the child was dropped off, or were things just presumed given the proximity?
I was tested before he was dropped off. My positive test prompted his testing.
were all adults in the house still working prior to the quarantine and if any were taken out of work have their been any compensation measures put in while the quarantine is surfed out (or does the house just happen to have enough money to financially take on a "shelter in place"?
All adults have been working remotely since March even before the shelter in place order. Both our offices closed and we were able to keep on working on our company-provided laptops. Consequently we didn't apply for any COVID-related relief programs.
If you don't me further asking, as it regarded your test, what brought that about and did you have to pay for it?

Also, given the remote work situation of the house hold, any thoughts on what you may have done to contract COVID and is there anything you feel you could have reasonably done to prevent it?

And after being diagnosed was there anything asked of you other than to just surf the virus out and how was/is it to be determined that you (and the house) are clear of the virus without putting others from the public at risk of contracting the virus from you?
Hey man hoping all is well. These kind of stories freak me out being as I am face to face with covid 60+ hours a week and I have a stupid 18 yo boy in the house. I feel like it's just a matter of time. I feel like these semi random infections are a precursor to a real surge as well. Time will tell.

Just remember your days away from being immune and having a glow!!
2 months later, you were absolutely right about the surge!
thanks for the replies.

surf the waves
and hopefully catching things proves a benefit that adjust the body to immunity.
So you all tested positive but aren't sick? Good to hear.
Enjoy exploiting the insanity. :)
@joe diaspio No, we are sick, but not in mortal danger at the moment, like most people who get sick, thankfully. Except Trump. He should have died.
Damn, I'm sorry to hear it. I hope everyone makes a full and energetic recovery!
@Hypolite Did you secure the medicine that will cure covid-19 in a matter of days and prevents long-term consequences in time?
@joe diaspio I have no idea what you are talking about. I was recommended rest and staying away from other people for about two weeks.
@joe diaspio Thanks, I’m going to leave it, it looks too much work to me to gather all the required parts and then follow the treatment.
Welcome, it's all up to you.
Sorry to hear that! Glad you're taking it in stride though. Hope you both recover soon!
Thanks, we actually did, as of now nobody has any concerning symptoms anymore in our apartment. I still miss taste, but smell is back which means I can partly enjoy food again beyond just texture.

Next step is all three of us getting tested next week-end to be sure.
Vitamin D and Zinc are the basics. C is pretty easy to get.