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Twice in the past three days, I stumbled on a piece of printed media younger than a decade old mentioning a URL to an online video game that doesn't exist anymore.

Once in a Spirit Animals book by Brandon Mull that my 9 year-old daughter picked at the book barn specifically for it. She was disappointed but read the book anyway. The link now redirects to the series presentation on the publisher website.

Second in LEGO instructions for a 2014 set, there's an full-page advertisement for the PC/Android/iOS game LEGO City My City doesn't exist anymore anywhere I looked.

The difference in longevity between the two mediums is striking.

#Software #Books

@mdesjardins For what it is worth, it appears that the Android version lives on at sites like apkpure. However that is outside the checks that the online app stores provide. Amazon may have the Android version as well.

It is even worse with the Internet itself.

I have an old blog which I sometimes read (I don't use it anymore but the service sends "look what you posted on this day" notifications from time to time).

Almost half of decade-old links in discussions are already dead. Even if websites still exist articles are no longer there. Linked images don't load. The Internet Archive doesn't have some of them either.

The Internet doesn't forget they say...