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Diablo II (2000) is the first role-playing game I’ve known to give fighter classes the same amount of ”spells” as the caster classes by leveraging unique weapon skills and special movement techniques rather than purely magical spells or scrolls.

I definitely have mixed memories of table-top role playing game sessions where players with caster characters were frantically flipping through the extensive spell list of the Player Manual while players with fighter characters were recounting their dice over and over for lack of a better thing to do.

#VideoGames #RPG #RolePlayingGames #TTRPG #TableTopRolePlayingGames
I did "Das schwarze Auge" as a table top with my friend and we had a hell of a time - but wow, when Diablo 1 and Diablo 2 arrived...
It was another kind of "Roleplaying" back in the days. Every friend was playing Diablo and we never met again at table tops.
I know its some kind of sad, but that how it was.
@Raroun I still beat Diablo 1 only once, with a ranger whose play-style was extremely straightforward. And thanks to a lucky alignment between my shooting speed and the knock back effect that resets the position of a monster when taking damage, Diablo never got a chance to get closer to me as I was pelting him. Hundreds of arrows later, I achieved one of the least satisfying end boss takedown I got to experience in a video game.
Thats Diablo - it´s a super massive Sandbox. So much possibilities. You can have the strangest build and it works out - love it 😀
@Raroun I didn’t know “The Dark Eye”
The Dark Eye (German: Das Schwarze Auge, lit. "The Black Eye") is a German tabletop role-playing game with a high fantasy theme created by Ulrich Kiesow and launched by Schmidt Spiel & Freizeit GmbH and Droemer Knaur Verlag in 1984. It is the most successful role-playing game on the German market, outselling Dungeons & Dragons. Many years of work on the game have led to a detailed and extensively described game world.
It´s awesome 😀
It has some kind of special ruleset, but in my oppinion its more detailed and better to play than dungeons and dragons.
But im Germon tho ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@Raroun Yeah, more detailed isn’t always a universal plus, and I don’t believe it’s too hard to make game better to play than D&D. I’ve never understood its popularity.
"Das Schwarze Auge" ist more straight forwar without all those "in deep" knowledge you have to have to play D&D.
You can play "Das Schwarze Auge" without any deeper lore or ruleset without beeing overwhelmed. When it comes to details you can dive as deep as you wish.
That "diving as deep as you wish" feels mandatory whenyou start playing D&D ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I have one friend - we only keep in touch through diablo - eery time a new diablo arrives, we play the hell out of it for 1-3 months.
After that we don´t even talk to each other - until a new season or download content arrives. Strange - but thats how is it 😀
@Raroun That’s one more reliable video games friends than I have got myself! Not that I would be terribly reliable even if was asked, but I like to think I’d make an effort.
@Hypolite Petovan
Yes, it is curious.
We really don't have any other contact with each other, but with Diablo it works.
On the other hand, you see what computer games can do good 😀