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The other day I was walking on a #Brooklyn sidewalk when I saw a man throw some crumbs on the floor for the pigeons to eat. I was starting to get annoyed when he produced a handmade net catcher and with a swift movement betraying a long experience, caught a couple of bids attracted by the food.

I have no idea what he did with them (eat? sell?) but I’m glad he’s doing this service to the city 🫑

Have you seen the bit in How To With John Wilson where a lady just calmly picks up a pigeon, puts it in her fancy shopping bag, closes the bag with clothes pegs, and walks off? I guess those New York birds must be irresistible
@internetsdairy I have not but there wasn’t anything fancy about this pigeon-catching man.
@paloma kop ✦ Oh, maybe he’s part of an underground crime ring that uses carrier pigeons and pay for services with thick gold coins?