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This fun web #puzzle is easy enough that I found solutions for it, so you should have no problem whatsoever.

This terrible game which @Bleeptrack and I made last year is currently annoying a lot of folks on Hacker News! :D Check it out if you haven't seen it yet! Can you solve all three levels?

A page titled "You Shall Not Pass". Someone entered the password "abc123", but an error message says "Sorry, your password must be a palindrome".

Dr. Quadragon ❌ reshared this.

Is there better outcome than "but this password is already in use"? :)
Nope, this means you passed the level!
Congratulations, you solved all three levels!
"Your next password must result this SHA3 number: ............"
User sends in.
"Thank you! Your contribution to anti-terrorist work of the FBI is appreciated."