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What do these following terms mean to you in the context of social media moderation? Please boost for reach.

  • Mute
  • Silence
  • Ignore
  • Block
  • Ban
  • Time out

Please feel free to add any terms I might have left out.

#Poll #SocialMedia #Moderation

Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.

I bet there will be a lot of variance in responses but my feel on those is:
  • Mute: a person or group can speak, but I won’t hear them under any circumstances.
  • Silence: a person or group can speak, but no one in my sphere of moderator/admin control will hear them.
  • Ignore: either a synonym for Mute or a personal choice (not a tech-enabled one) to not interact, depending on context.
  • Block: mute, plus stop the blocked user from seeing what I say at all (within practical limits).
  • Ban: prevent a user from accessing the service (a partial ban would disable some features) within practical limits.
  • Time out: a temporary ban/block/mute/etc. (context dependent) intended to force a user to take space in the hopes they’ll calm down; can also be along the lines of “I don’t like this conversation, I’m muting the participants for a while until they topic passes”.
warn, notify/inform (policy, rules), reward/prize(reddit gold), censor/remove, weekly post, bot account.