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After a recent interaction with the police, I've noticed them:
  • Asking me the same questions over and over, to which I gave the same answers.
  • Laughing with each other even though we called them because a stray bullet landed in our bedroom.
  • Walking and standing around my apartment as if they owned the place.

It took me a while to figure it out, but I realized that the police are LARPing in people's homes, treating them as NPCs. And it is completely in line with the "us vs them" mentality they've displayed since protests against police violence started.

Now, I'll admit some were considerate and serious, but lately I'm more and more inclined to think that it is in spite of their job and training.

#RPG #DefundThePolice
Ugh. That sounds like an awful experience. Glad you're OK and that you're sharing your thoughts.
Thanks, it wasn't that bad for me personally but my girlfriend was pretty shook and I'm not sure about my 6-year old kid but he "doesn't want to talk about it". Cops weren't that bad either, just casually inconsiderate, which makes sense, they are used to this level of violence, but ugh.
No difference here in this regard.