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In the Bedford-Stuysevant neighborhood of #Brooklyn, close to the Tompkins Ave-Hancock St intersection lives the so-called “Bed Stuy Aquarium”. Born out of a leaky fire hydrant and an unfinished sidewalk, this tiny pond is now the home of several goldfish.

This ad hoc installation even has a Linktree page:

A sidewalk fire hydrant is surrounded by a tiny fish pond decorated with colorful aquarium fixtures in the cavity where concrete is usually poured. A few signs advertising the “Bed Stuy Aquarium and a couple benches complete the tableau.
I feel bad for those fish. At a minimum they're going to freeze to death in the winter.
this is awesome, and also the notion that goldfish theft was enough of a problem to require a sign is making me laugh

@Brian Ó They are planning for heat and water testing equipment, according to their FAQs...

Love how a community comes up with a creative solution to a bad situation they are facing.
@Hypolite Petovan

How are they going to stop random passersby from chucking trash and pennies and shit into it?

@Brian Ó They’re running a GoFundMe campaign, maybe they’re planning round-the-clock security? (They aren’t).

It seems to be watched by a consumer-grade surveillance camera though. Maybe it’s enough.

People will throw pennies into it, even on camera. They won't recognize it as a "bad thing" to do, but the copper will poison the water.
All this to say, while I think the whole thing is really cute I hope someone scoops those fish out and gives them a proper home that's not a gag.