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I still don't believe in the #videogames to movie pipeline. My 5-year old kid was watching the Angry Birds cartoon show, and while in the game I don't feel like it has to make sense, I had this conversation with him:
Me: Why do birds attack pigs?
Him: Because they are their enemies.
Me: Why are they their enemies?
Him: Because they are different.


I kept pressing on with real world analogies until he admitted that it was just in this cartoon, but man, what a terrible model. And again, in the video game it's entirely fine.
This entry was edited (4 years ago)
Nothing good came from the videogame-to-anything pipeline.
I can't assert this with certainty because I haven't checked everything that came out of that pipeline but I'm tempted to believe you.
They are their enemies because they steal and consume their unborn. Pretty solid reason.