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There are a lot of posts flying around about supporting Mastodon through the Mastodon Patreon.

That supports Eugen (Gargron) and the central Masto social instance. But if you’re not on Masto social, it doesn’t support your instance.

Check your instance to see if there’s a fundraising other support link to help pay the hosting and bandwidth. They might need the money more than Gargron.
Regarding financial support for the fediverse:

Aside from your instance hosts/mods;

Consider contributing to developers of independent apps such as #Tusky that have better community features than Gargron's "official" apps;

Consider contributing to developers of forks such as #Hometown and #GlitchSocial that, again, prioritize better community and safety features than Mastodon proper.

These entities need your money and will put it to better use.