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> fired everyone on the servo team
> selling Rust out to corpos by reserving half the board for big tech
> CEO still got multimillion dollar bonus despite presiding over losses year after year
> m.. money pls.
"It is almost like Google ordered a hit." - well, google not only pays to Mozilla hundreds of millions of dollars (probably this is why they practically locked down the feature where you choose the search engine, so you cannot easily set whatever searx instance you want - actually you need an extra add-on called "Add custom search engine" AND it won't even respect data protection as it says: 'Due to a technical limitation with Firefox WebExtensions, all data entered when creating your custom search engine is uploaded to').
If you look under the hood, Firefox uses google technology for security features - or let's put it in plain English: If google talks about security, it's mostly about justification for something that is unnecessary and leads to more data hamstering - evil G steals whatever data they can, wherever they can, because that's their business. They also invested in mobile KaiOS over twenty million US$.
If anyone doesn't know, KaiOS is based on B2G OS, which is the opensource community-driven fork of the project desaster Firefox OS.