2021-03-28 07:43:22
2021-03-20 09:12:53
2021-03-20 09:12:48
Last week a Pilot whale was found unable to swim or breath, even though the veterinary team tried to save it for five days. the whale didn't make it, it died on last Friday. Before death, the whale vomitted five plastig bags and after autopsy, 8Kg of plastig bag and other plastic debris. Overusage and wastage of plastic is affecting the marine life and connected food chain, including humans, dangerously. Both ocean bed and water are polluted by non decomposing plastic wastes.
Today is June 5, world environmental day. Lets use this day to remind overselves, we are not something seperate from nature, that part of it and restoring the nature a place where it is habitable to everything is not just matter of our survival, but a responsibility built into us because of our existance as part of nature.
I've been avoiding plastic bags for last four months, I took bags to grocery stores, I only bought products that came without a plastic container. Bought most needed stuff in bulk. In result, I couldn't eat bread and I moved from biscutes to cookies (you can get loose quantities from local stores.). The point is, I took the challenge and I found out it is possible to avoid plastic, so you can take the challenge too, may be not 100%, but as much possible. One thing is sure, you will have to sacrifice convinience for every big change.
#WorldEnvironmentDay #SayNoToPlastic #LoveEarth #June5 #Environment #Nature
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Sheila Nagig, YA cannot die ⟶ ¿ (>‿◠), KAOS, Kenny Chaffin and Maurice LéDuck like this.
YA cannot die ⟶ ¿ (>‿◠)
•YA cannot die ⟶ ¿ (>‿◠)
•all this fkkn petroleum... I think and hope that one day mankind will find more natural ways to produce stuff and energy.
•YA cannot die ⟶ ¿ (>‿◠)
•well, this mankind has developed into something really odd and strange... the interwebzzz is partly responsible for this development and, the lazy minds of people... let's hope that the good sides of life will turn out one day ! ♥
•I dunno. I think there's always good and bad, coexisting... One will look more plentiful than the other depending on where and when you look. Best wishes for YA!
YA cannot die ⟶ ¿ (>‿◠)
•Yes. it is a good thing to take the time it needs.
And, as you say, it's always a plus and a minus.... wishing you a wonderful Sunday and upcoming week. :)