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As we look forward to #COP28 later on this year in the UAE, anticipating another joyous fossil fuel bacchanalia, I'm sure we'll be hearing plenty from our masters about "Net Zero 2050." They'll remind us once again about all those delicious carbon offsets that are going to save the world for capitalism and consumerism, allowing endless growth forever and ever. No need to worry, they'll say, we've got everything under control! 😃

#Greenwashing #ClimateCrisis #AntiCapitalism
Cartoon by
In this one-panel cartoon, a pair of gangsters are about to throw a captive, whose feet are encased in concrete, to his death off the end of a pier. A couple of cheerful-looking police officers are questioning the gangsters about what they're up to. The head gangster shows a certificate to the police, and says, "Relax, officer! What looks like a potential homicide has actually been OFFSET, with the purchase of tradable life credits from our local surf life-saving club!" A smiling police officer responds, "Looks like we're on track for NET-ZERO MURDERS by 2050!"
This entry was edited (1 year ago)