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Beware, there is an ongoing spambot attack in #GitHub issues in several projects were random people suggest "the fix" is to download a random file from Like this:
screenshot from a curl issue where users suggest suspicious downloads to "fix the issue"
This entry was edited (5 months ago)
I tried to install the fix but I seem to be required to install Wine for it. Is there some project helping me install windows malware faster on linux? 😆
@grin I know you are joking but be careful. I have heard of malware that can actually function when run via Wine.

@draeath True. The joke was actually "I have to install Wine for the malware" since I don't have it. It's like the joke about <SMALL_POOR_NATION> virus: "I am a virus from <S_P_N>, we're too poor to write the infection part so please copy me everywhere and delete some files".

If we're serious then I would actually use a VM with windows on it, with no active network devices, since Wine is not very contained.

Sure! Let me find a link to it...