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For those out of the loop:

Twitter's closing its offices as employees quit in droves. It actually might now exist next month.

There's now yet another #TwitterMigration as people create new account on Mastodon.
Here's how Twitter is trending right at this moment.

This is for real. People are finally done with Twitter.
Twitter trends
If you want to know how big the current #TwitterMigration is to Mastodon, look at this current chart.

I have never seen anything this massive.
#TwitterMigration spike
The only parallel I've ever seen to Twitter's current self-destruction was the Digg 4.0 fiasco.

At one time Digg had ~450 million users. Then they tried to push an extremely unpopular update that caused users to leave en masse.

Where did they go? Reddit.

And now Reddit is one of the biggest social media sites on the planet.

By the way, a whole lot of Internet users have forgotten about Digg -- or don't even know it existed.

Twitter could be Digg but on a much larger scale.
By the way, am I happy that Twitter is imploding right this moment?

As much as I'd like to celebrate -- and a part of me is -- I'm incredibly wary because:

1. Mastodon does not have the scale to successfully onboard users *that* quickly
2. The moderator-to-user ratio might be stretched too thin
3. Malicious actors might take advantage of the chaos, and undermine the Fediverse's longterm survival

Let's hope we survive this!
The silver lining to the #TwitterMigration: maybe this will result in more funding, more people willing to develop the Fediverse to its full potential.

As I keep telling you, there's more to this endeavour than being a Twitter replacement!

We have the chance to entirely re-make the Internet!
If you're new, I strongly urge you to migrate to a small instance.

It's likely to perform better than the larger instances and have better moderation.
Oh. My. God.

Every time someone on Twitter tweets a link to, the following message pops up:

"We can't complete this request because this link has been identified by Twitter or our partners as being potentially harmful. Visit our Help Center to learn more."

See screenshot.
We can't complete this request because this link has been identified by Twitter or our partners as being potentially harmful. Visit our Help Center to learn more.
Many Blue Checks are actively telling their followers that Twitter may die soon, and to follow their Mastodon accounts.

Here's an example from Paul Krugman
Paul Krugman's feet about Twitter dying and link to his Mastodon
Looks like journalists are also joining Mastodon en masse right now.

Everything I basically spoke about this past week is coming to pass NOW!
Journalists moving from Twitter to Mastodon tonight — we’ve built a simple service to verify and share journalists’ profiles across *any* Mastodon server. 

Verified accounts get a badge to signal authenticity. 

Apply here:
another verification system? I guess it'll get sorted out eventually. Welcome
This entry was edited (1 year ago)