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The new chat in Soapbox is very, very good.
What's the deal with this platypus thing as default avatar?
@mintIt’s only on Gleasonator. I was experimenting with a default avatar for Tribes. Originally it was a Gondolla, but I later adapted it to to be the monkey character from my pitch deck.
I do need to repatch Akkoma and re-enable chat, just to see if I can move from Akkoma to Rebased.
It's trannies all the way down, Alex.

Yeah, we switched to Akkoma quite some time ago. It's done decently well, but I'm still not wholly satisfied with its performance.

Pleroma in its entirety's pissed me off so much, that I'm slowly writing my own damn backend, with hookers and blow. I thought about forking mitra, but I'd rather do it my way, and exercise my Rust capabilities at the same time.

That, and I get to make my own backend's license MIT+NIGGER, which is pretty funny to me.

Rust, yes, tranny software too. 🙁
@ShariVegasI’ve been tempted to do something in TypeScript for a while, just because it improves the developer experience a lot. Main barrier is there’s not one batteries-included backend framework that everyone can get behind, like there is for other languages. I need an async task queue, ORM+migrations, and http server instead of making a different choice for each one.
Over time I wouldn’t be shocked if #rebased completely replaced #Pleroma and #Akkoma
@realcaseyrollinsI hope so. Akkoma is weirdly an actual threat now. The whole ecosystem sucked its dick. I’m preparing a strategy.