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Can't stop thinking about this person who made the distinction on TikTok between old school social media for being in touch with your friends and making new ones, and "performative" social media where the point is to reach people you don't know.
I think some of the friction between OG mastodonians and the #twitterExodus is that the former were trying to recreate old school, but the latter are coming for performative and angry that it's not built for that
how is it "social" anyway? It has a good old name called "broadcast media" (or "video whores", depending on context and tastes).
@grin it's social because of its virality and lack of a centralized hub of information (notwithstanding the technical infrastructure). People socialize in different ways - I socialize with a few friends in someone's home. There are people who prefer socializing with hundreds of people at a dance party. To each their own, no need for name calling.
is Youtube a "social network"? Is Flickr a "social network"? Is any blog with a comment section a "social network"?
@grin Before about 2010 we talked on Twitter about some people just "broadcasting", and those accounts tended to be looked down on as I remember. They mostly weren't worth following as they didn't reply to anything.
@timtfj I agree that _interactivity_ is the key, and I am not sure there could be real interactivity between a broadcaster and 1 million viewers (especially when it's managed by the "marketing team").