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!Friendica Support Have there been any changes recently in how #friendica handles notifications and replies to posts? I've seen an utterly weird situation of a (private?) response not visible in #tusky or friendica web but only in #AndStatus and apparently somehow linked to my Mastodon account? Hard to even describe this... 😯 @Matthias/E
@Matthias/E Yes. It feels quite odd. Filed two issues for that, more to get my mind clear here, maybe there's something that can be done:

For the second one I'm not really sure if this is a "new" problem or related to what @Michael Vogel pointed out earlier (about Friendica not supporting switching permissions in a thread), but even here it feels a bit different because it wasn't really a "thread" and, in those cases, I have absolutely no idea how much of responses or communication attempts have been lost simply to this issue. It was pure luck that, in this case, AndStatus apparently was smart enough to notify me of a status passing by, even knowing the account that has been mentioned wasn't the account which received that message.
(Even writing about this feels considerably odd and confusing. Not really sure how to help here, but it leaves quite a gloomy feeling - communication lost is always the worst thing that could possibly happen...😑️)