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While I am an active critic of distributed privatisation (i.e., #Fediverse as we know it), I will still choose that over corporate privatisation if public service internet is just not a thing yet. Why?

• Corporations under capitalism have but one guiding tenet: the profit motive.

• Social media corporations profit from advertisement operations — especially data harvesting.

• It is their objective, therefore, to maximise profits by maximising data exploitation in every possible way.


Had any of you read the Haugen/Facebook papers, you’d know:

Meta enabled #genocide, boosted polarising misinformation, created shadow profiles of their users, exploited their algorithms so much that it caused mental health issues in young teenagers (there are lawsuits!), sold out women who had abortions to the #police in #USA, did the Cambridge analytica thing, sold user data to thousands of data firms, and more, much more — if you think this corporation has your best interests in mind, idk.

Everything about Zuckerberg and Meta is evil.

What about #Palestine, for those of you who do support it but also don’t mind Threads?

I was an activist since far before October 7th, so I remember:

Meta systematically — again, *systematically* — blocked, banned, and/or shadowbanned Palestinian pages, individuals, and outlets. Among the popular ones were pages like “Eye On Palestine,” but even average people faced this. This was during the Sheikh Jarrah crisis alone.

That’s precisely why being exposed to fedi content is important. Unless they block individual fedi users, threads 🧵 people will be exposed to the truth about the situation in Palestine without Meta being able to block it.

Meta can filter out pro-Palestine posts though, since they’re running on their own code for their users, so actually, what’ll happen is that we’ll see a greater influx of pro-Israel posts — as is the norm on FB/Insta (unless you deliberately *only* follow pro-Palestine pages who are lucky enough not to get Meta’s ban hammer).

It is the reality of playing on their field — and even if we do block them, we’re still playing on their field; Public Service Media trumps all.

Social media should reflect the society we exist in and we should be able to see people disagreeing, we should be able to debate ideas and philosophies without preemptively banning them.

I almost always agree with you. In this, I don't. When they're using their fake users, bots, etc their algorithms to push their agenda (money and genocide) into a smaller world, they'll ruin the small world. No two ways about it.

They aren't joining to grow the fediverse. They're joining to grow threads

Who on mastodon is going to join threads though?
Maybe no one right now but they will entice people. They'll have some new feature, they'll promise better access. They'll do what they need to. And I'll bet they start buying up instance. I'm so sure I'll put money on it

You are both acting like people have not experienced Meta products before and that’s not why people are on Mastodon.

I stopped using Facebook 10+ years ago. I stopped using Instagram 3 years ago, and I don’t care what Meta says I would never return.

I was never on Instagram. I can't claim 10 years off Facebook YET LoL. 6 more months.


I just jumped in to say what I thought about what I was reading here. I don't mean to be telling anyone what they should do

It just worries me that will people will block millions of people at the drop of a hat because they access social media in a different way than we do.

And it really freaks me out that people will block instances for daring not to defederate with threads immediately, like disagreement is no longer allowed.

I get that. But I don't see it as blocking users but as blocking the corporation that we know causes harm. Blocking the corp from harming the users, us. We, who use this platform to get away from the harmful corporation. Where do we go?

It's like the big box corps putting all the little mom & pop shops out of business. Like Walmart moving in to the small town and now there's not an IGA or an independent hardware store to be found for miles and miles and miles. Just Walmart

But we aren’t getting any threads ads and they are not getting our user data, we are still maintaining our mom and pop shop, and walmart shoppers can wander in