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So I totaled my car a few days ago.

If I had access to public transportation I could have carried on with my life while building up my finances for an EV or at least an hybrid.
But no.
Because states and cities refuse to invest into correct public transportation I had literally no choice but to get a cheap gas one in a hurry.

This really pisses me off.

I'll never say it loud enough: public transportation is fundamental to fight both social inequality and climate change.

#climatechange #publictransport #carculture #ev #hybrid #socialinequality
I'd say classic Midwest big city.
Trending liberal/green but not necessarily in the most intelligent way: they developed buses but only downtown around cultural landmarks so they're more tourist buses than anything else.
Outside of downtown (where I live) good luck to find a bus stop and if you do get ready to wait minimum 30mn for one.
But we have plenty of public electric kick scooters! So useful when medical facilities, shopping centers, administration etc. are all out of town miles away!
And it's Michigan so in winter I'm sure it's fun to use them in a snow storm by 10 degrees! (Is my sarcasm showing much?)

It's nice and quiet where I live, family friendly neighborhood with cute little houses but the NY subway has its appeal too.
This entry was edited (1 year ago)