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If you have any good suggestions about who I should follow (especially if they talk about mental health, and definitely especially if they have too many followers to easily follow me back) so that I can have a more active page, that would be greatly appreciated 😊
Have you set up the Twitter connector yet? I can recommend you someone I know on Twitter.
I *think* Becky is trying to find a social network where people are allowed to be happy, and therefore is avoiding the Twitters
My problem with Twitter was the constant push of unwarranted content through sponsored post, unactionable like notifications, trends, related tweets, etc...

Followed from Friendica, Twitter contacts are just like any other contacts. Almost.
@Hypolite Petovan
I was also, to a degree, gonna try to keep twitter and friendica separate. I have good friends there but it's exhausting content with little engagement in nuance, and really nuance is a place I thrive. I still think it has a place for me to engage, but probably more passively. I might also be imagining too perfect of a universe in my head tho, I really am too new to get a good grasp on that.
Fair enough, I do understand the lack of activity issue and following Twitter accounts from Friendica is a way to increase your feed's activity without being impacted by collateral content.