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The rise of the Fediverse is only accelerating as companies like Mozilla and WordPress make moves to support it. Even Meta is rumored to be working on a decentralized social network.

But there's one particular start-up that seems determined to go its own way.

I spoke with @tchambers and @evan about what's driving the Fediverse migration - and the obstacles that can thwart some would-be users.

#fediverse #mastodon
'Prodromou, however, has strong words for any organization looking to enter social media with a new decentralized social media protocol. “I’m not interested in any protocol besides ActivityPub,” he says. “Anyone working on brand new protocols in 2023 should stop immediately. They are going to do more harm than good."'

This may be surprising for people who have known me for a long time. I've generally been supportive of trying new protocols and tools.
AP has turned a corner. It's standardized and in wide use.

Building extensions on top of AP is useful and necessary, but starting over with incompatible protocols is a bad plan.

Blue Sky in particular is a bad project. It started after AP was standardized. The team had access to many many people's time and all the docs and experience of the fediverse.

But they opted to make a snowflake protocol instead. I think because they want to capture value at the protocol level.

Don't use Blue Sky.
I'm really sorry I have to say this. I see everyone who works on decentralized social networks as a colleague in a very important project. We might not all agree on the details of architecture or data structures, but we are working toward the same goal.

I think the acquisition of Twitter raised the stakes significantly. We need to all be working towards growing this network. Sowing confusion by launching incompatible products today may be well-intentioned, but it's clearly counterproductive.
I don't think I've wished failure on any decentralized social network platform before.

My sincerest hope is that the Blue Sky team has a change of heart and starts building on well-established protocol standards like AP.

If not, there is a long-shot option that they will be able to cannibalize the existing fediverse, eliminate us, then use that momentum to push out to even more users. I think this is really unlikely.

So the next best option is that they fail quickly and are forgotten soon.
This entry was edited (1 year ago)
or maybe at some point make it compatible with ActivityPub?
@Samir that was my first option, yes.
The absolutely worst option is that they achieve a modicum of success, and then there are multiple, competing, incompatible networks.

We know from Metcalfe's law that a network that takes up half the available audience doesn't have 1/2 the value to users; it has 1/4 the value. The division makes each network much worse.

Most people and companies, when presented with the choice, won't bother. They'll wait until someone else figures it out.
It is a bad way to slow down all decentralized social networking, at a time when fast adoption is at its most important point.
This entry was edited (1 year ago)
I knew it wasn't a very good idea the very first time they interacted with me.

They are not what they purport to be.
That is a really interesting read thanks.
@surfbum oh good. I want to do what's right for this community and for the internet, and sometimes that means telling well-meaning people they're on the wrong track.
thanks for this follow-up! I’m still surprised by the force of your feeling and I’m trying to read between the lines—when you said “Anyone working on brand new protocols in 2023 should stop immediately” are you mostly talking about BlueSky? Or do you mean exactly what you said, anything not building upon ActivityPub is wasted effort?
mostly about Blue Sky. I know that a lot of people have existing protocols to support. I think anyone starting with NEW incompatible protocols in 2023 better have a really, really, REALLY good explanation for why the benefits outweigh the damage they'll do.
This entry was edited (1 year ago)
@22 I'd also say that AP is an extremely extensible protocol. You can build some really cool stuff by making new Activity Streams 2.0 activity and object types.
@22 it's tough; unfortunately I don't see an alternative. Are you working on a new, incompatible social networking protocol?
short answer:no 😇

Longer answer: no innocent 😇 I have long admired the decentralization of platforms like Secure Scuttlebutt—decentralized down to the physical network layer! Works over bicycle-net, sneaker-net!—even though their use of Merkle trees and resulting inability to delete/forget made me sadly give up on SSB. I’d love to see a lighter more energy-efficient ActivityPub. The Mastodon REST API is also incredibly heavyweight (several kilobytes for a single toot).

But. Your point is very well-taken.
@22 I don't think that's true for gzipped payloads.

I think a low energy implementation of AP would be great. A lot of the fields in AS2 are optional.

I think there are some best practices that could work to make an AP server that is in low-power mode until the client connects, and then delivers outbound activities and solicits delivery of inbound ones.
@22 That would be a much better use of time and energy at this point.
@jpanzer @22 I agree.

I think it's an interesting problem. A server running in low-energy mode most of the time would miss any incoming messages.

So you'd need a way to signal to other servers that your low-energy server is back online, and wants to collect any incoming messages.

One way to notify them is by delivering outgoing messages. We should probably make a best practice that if you're doing exponential backoff, and you get an incoming message from the server, it's a good time to retry.
@jpanzer @22 This feels like reinventing the websub and feed model to me. AP insisting on transient fat pings is the regression.
@jpanzer @22

That feels like an interesting implementation but I’m not convinced this needs to be solved at the application layer. An idling raspberry pi 3 pulls ~1.5w, some hardware likely gets that below 1w at idle, and I’d applicable for all use-cases, not just a bespoke AP implementation.
@mgaruccio I guess it's just having a resilient network that can handle having nodes that are just very occasionally available. Anyways, neat problem to think about.
makes sense, thinking about it in the resiliency frame, you likely need some form of always-on dropbox(es) to store and forward messages for those nodes as there would be no guarantee that two nodes talking to each other would be online at the same time.

it may actually be possible to make that transparent to the rest of the network with some creative use of DNS and PKI but hard to say exactly how much benefit there is to a setup like that
The most realistic worst case scenario is that it divides and diminishes value for all independent efforts (as you note).

One must ask some hard questions about an effort whose predictable outcome is to do that.
Bluesky survey asking for Twitter Handle - no, it is not mentioning the Fediverse elsewhere.
Bluesky asking 
How did I hear about Bluesky.
Option: Twitter 
- no, it is not mentioning ActivityPub or W3C (where I heard about it)
Hi Evan.

What do you have in mind with: "Building extensions on top of AP is useful and necessary"?

Are you referring to Fediverse Enhancement Proposals or do you have something else in mind?

@helge I haven't looked into the FEP process. I think SWICG is the right place for that kind of work.

Building on top of AP is easy, because of Activity Streams.

Adding new verbs and object types is quick and painless. On top of this, existing AP processors can handle unknown verbs and object types, because every activity and object has a fallback HTML and optional image representation.

Does that answer your questions?
I'd like to see either the existing "FEP" process, or something like it, incorporated into the work of the SWICG. Whatever issues may have caused folk to splinter off from the core W3C community group should be addressed and resolved.

We may want to implement decentralized systems, but having some centralization to the standards maintenance process will make that easier for everyone.

They are not critical design flaws.

Dying servers is only a problem if you don't use your own domain. We're in an intermediary period; more people and orgs will run their own servers in the future

Scalability isn't a problem reserved for AP. Fanout of messages to thousands of recipients takes time and resources. True in siloed networks as well as federated.

Search is not a technical but a cultural issue in the fediverse.
the thundering herd problem, when clients all get the OpenGraph data for a link at once, is a problem with an obvious solution.

We have a rich representation for a link ("Link") in Activity Streams 2.0. Before sending out a post with a link in it, the sending server should do ONE opengraph query, and add the metadata as a Link to the outgoing message.
This entry was edited (1 year ago)
@risottobias OK. I hope you fail fast and don't do too much damage.