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The big wave of spams is over? Thank you FediAdmins for doing what you do!

#krita #ArtWithOpenSource #FediArt #MastoArt #spam

Colored drawing of Mastodon and Pleroma mascots with brooms after cleaning. They are happy but tired, the place around is shining.

License: CC-BY-SA 4.0 - David Revoy, with mascots of Mastodon and Pleroma-tan
we fought against the spam and WON! :blobcathuggies:​

@ErikUden Bravo, and thank you for all your work on the collaborative blocklist , that was epic to read. πŸ‘

I also read , but no idea if it is a source of trust about the source of the issue.

FYI, the script kiddie spammer got arrested, which is why there isn’t any more SPAM. When I woke up, the SPAM Bots stopped sending out SPAM.

i thoroughly hope they are right and this really stops now 😬 @ErikUden
I read "spasms", and wondered what new type of misery I had missed. πŸ˜…
Where is AI-chan? It seemed that Misskey instances were affected the most
@SuperDicq For artistic reasons (composition, two characters side by side) and limited time budget (I only had from 16h to 18h30), I restricted myself to two mascots this time. Thanks for understanding! 😺
Oh I really like it tho, not complaining
I love your art πŸ˜€
Lovely picture and feedback to the admins. Thank you!πŸ™πŸΌβ€οΈ
Let's hope it's a wake-upcall for the Mastodon developers.

I think the spammers just... stopped?

I checked several spam instances and many still have their spam posts but none had any new spam created in the last 14h. Everything seems to halt the exact same second everywhere.

I don't think we really won, yet.

πŸ₯₯ Eye just got my first Mastodon spam yesterday and now it's over?
Sad face emoji. πŸ₯₯
#Spam, #Mastodon, #SadEmoji
Si il n'y avait pas une poignΓ©e de compte parmi ceux que je suis qui en avaient parlΓ©, j'aurais jamais su qu'il y avait une attaque de spammers.
@stemy C'est chouette que tous les comptes n'ont pas Γ©tΓ© affectΓ©, ici c'Γ©tait pas la mort non plus; juste deux ou trois dans mes notifications, peut-Γͺtre seulement 6 en tout Γ©talΓ© sur une semaine. Hier et avant-hier aucun, mais je viens d'en recevoir encore un il y a 10min, donc c'est pas encore fini et j'ai mΓͺme peur que la notoriΓ©tΓ© de cette attaque attire d'autres apprentis spammeurs...

I have to admit, I've not even seen it, but I keep my timeline pretty tight.

Twitter, on the other hand... 😱

I have a question: do I need to use the csv file myself or does the admins use it for the whole server?
@intelgraphy I think the csv of the blocklist is intended for blocking at an instance level.
jeez I didn't even notice. They must have been doing an exceptional job.
one of the lads doing the stupid thing allegedy got *arrested*.
And if you didn't notice a spam wave, thank your local administrator
why play swarm defense mobile games when you can just run a mastodon instance...
mastodon guy and fox real

this win is HUGE! It means we're still breezing past the Bird Site and the Farmville homepage🐦🚜

My bet? Mastodon is going to keep rocking, while the rest of the social media world slowly turns into a collection of spam posts. πŸ₯”βœ¨ Here's to staying awesome indefinitely! πŸš€ #Mastodon

Unfortunately, I've seen some more spam just a few hours ago.
I just got another one a few mins ago 😭😭 but yea they're not as bad now..
@risavisven 😭 Oh no, someone else reported me a minute ago also a spam. So yes, not totally over... I hope this wave didn't gave the idea to more new spammer to enter the game.

...and I just received a new one too. 😭

[edit: putting the visual behind a CW]

A screenshot of a spam: on top a link to a service alone, then a list under of 5 quoted accounts.
This entry was edited (7 months ago)
yeah it's back, hopefully at lower scale
6 in the past 90 mins for me (and i consider myself a small niche single user instance)
2 in last 2 hours for me, your numbers are me during previous "wave"
@hj @risavisven @kura That's a lot 😱 I probably received 8 in total (2 with the big title in red, with some metalic effect on the text as far as I remember, and 4 photos of spam boxes, and two maybe text only) but all of them were spread over a full week.
hey at least it's not just representing mastodon, I'll take it.
VERY cute art πŸ˜€
cute pleroma mascot in your style
@foxysen Thank you! I also like to paint her this way:
It amazes me that people believe that a social media platform that has moderation, administration and security all handled by volunteers would be sustainable.
I'm still getting plenty of identical spam toots from various servers.
@peterdrake Same observation here, but mainly yesterday: I received five of them. Today, however, not a single one so far. I hope it will be soon under control and no new spammer will be inspired by replicating this.
at least spammers regressed to including url in text so it's much easier to word-filter it
@hj @peterdrake That's totally aligned with my observations about the five ones of yesterday: they were text-only with a URL on top, and then around five quoted account pasted under, with a line break after each. They were very similar.