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I love this 😻
So true...

😄 👍
This entry was edited (1 year ago)
I like the smile on its face, thinking this is an awesome idea 😀
Good satire, David.
Perfect Picture 😄
Very nice and fitting with having the smile on the face while cutting off the limb of it's users 😄.
I love this more than any human should ever love a painting.
We need another one with Elon-musk and Twitter 😂
Décidément, les réseaux privateurs se donnent tous le mot pour prendre des décisions de merde en ce moment. Enfin, plus que d'habitude, je veux dire.
I think the company just loves living in the "This is fine" cartoon XD
hah! This perfectly captures the mood
Thank you, both (troth?) for the art and for its message and for #humanart.
Great move there less goo!
very nice, is there a high resolution version posted somewhere?
rock a bye baby one the treetop...
now replace the reddit guy with twitch and YouTube 😂
the art style reminds me of the Framaskft aesthetic, which is appropriate!
@derek Thanks! I'm Framasoft main illustrator, that's maybe why ☺️
well serves me right for not checking the bio of a poster! You've got a signature style and no mistake. 😀
The Tree Is Like, "You... You're Gonna Regret That."
pauvre arbre, il n'a rien demandé. 🤔
me imagino el arbol cayendose. :blobcataww:
This captures Reddit self-sabotage.
good thing the Fediverse exists :nkoSip:
Great funny artwork of a cute #Reddit guy with a problem 🔜 ! 😂
snoo can't call for help from a third party because it cut contact with all of them 😭
A matter of time, just waiting for the moment
omg the expression is just perfect adsdgd
This is adorable ❤️ why would you make Reddit look this cute
oh this is good.
A nice one! Also I love that this is #humanart
Et on en est arrivé au point où il faut préciser que c’est bien un HUMAIN qui a fait un dessin… :/
lol very well done I love this!
Reported for... uhhh... SPAM! /hahaha
Jorge el Curioso se lastimó a sí mismo (George the Curious hurt himself)
So beautifull reddit der saver den gren over de selv sidder paa 🤣 🌳