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Writing a #novel is all about sustaining momentum, which is incredibly hard during the holiday season.

This is when I lean on writing #podcasts to get me through and help keep my head in the game.

My favorites: (a thread)

#publishing #writers
The Shit No One Tells You About Writing — hosted by #author Bianca Marais and features #query letter evaluations with agents at PS Literary and interviews with #authors talking about the real trenches shit of #publishing
Manuscript Academy— lit agent Jessica Sinsheimer and #kidlit author Julie Kingsley talk shop with #editors, #agents, and #writers of all stripes. Great for the kidlit crowd!
Story Nerd — an #editor and #writer get together to watch a well-known movie and break it apart with story principles. A masterclass in #storytelling every got damn time.
Print Run — one of the best podcasts out there for the #publishing crowd. #agents Erik Hane and Laura Zats break down the pub news of the day and love to throw in reasons we should all #unionize. Come for the loon content, stay for the analysis.