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Edit: april fool's joke!

Omg #deltachat received a VC funding offer and the team is seriously considering to accept it ?!

Wtf @delta ? Are you out of your mind ?

Cc @aral
This entry was edited (1 year ago)
I mean, yeah, sure, accept it if you want to destroy all your credibility in a single move.

funding open source projects is hard - no one knows that better than we do. See this #ownCloud blog post years ago:

Element received millions of VC funding, and is happily recommended all the time.
@compl4xx Yeah, if the folks handing out (our) public funds had any sense, organisations that get them would not be able to then take #VC so that what is built using them can then be enclosed. But clearly #NLNet, etc., aren’t thinking that far. So we fund things from the commons and if they fail, we shoulder the cost but if they succeed, then private capital takes the rewards and encloses it. Not great is it?

I guess I can take this response as confirmation, then?

This entry was edited (1 year ago)
It's 1st of April, but THIS is true.
a screenshot from liberapay, saying " is receiving 17.84 EUR per week from 27 patrons"
This entry was edited (1 year ago)