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Vote for your favorite additional features!

Hi !Friendica Support,

two years ago I started a process to cull Friendica's additional features. So far only 13 people answered but I'd like to have some more before I start severing limbs.

It is based on a shared Ethercalc that you (yes you!) can edit to add your own column of answers:

Sorry, I added 5 more visible columns, you should be good. Not sure if the data would have been lost.
@Markus It loads correctly for me... 🤷‍♀️
(Safari on iOS)
I have a few questions on what th efeatures actually do, party becaue I have not used it long enough to have used them, or looked i to thiem:

Photo location??
Forum automention?
Post categories?
List forums?
Tag cloud?

I might have more, but this is a start. I started my answer, but will fill in more as I understand the feature.


I'm curious about people wanting the public calendar export to still be a setting instead of a standard feature? What's the rationale behind wanting to possibly disable it?
I think it may because we don't have enough people we interact with here yet that sharing a calendar would matter. All my friends are people I never met so there is no real drive to make plans or create events that people can see. If we can get more people using it then the question of the calendar will be something more people have an opinion on.
I've seen @Spencer@Markus@Norz interact here but cast no votes in the spreadsheet, can I ask you three to add a column for yourself even if you don't want to cast a vote for/against a single feature? So that I can rule out technical difficulties, thank you!

@Hypolite Petovan I’m nearly done, but the online spreadsheet is very hostile on mobile 😱, I’ve given up trying to scroll and select my column after 15 tries, I’ll try again once the stars are better aligned... 😊

In case it can help, I’ve entered my votes on a copy of the spreadsheet here:

I've added your choices back to the main spreadsheet.
Now that I know how to use them after much trail and error I pretty much like most of the features. Are there other features you are considering adding?
Yes but this is out of the scope of this initiative. Even if you like them, you may have an opinion whether we should leave it to the discretion of both node admins or users, or make any part of the always-on features.
Also the ones I left blank I either don't know how to use or haven't encountered a use yet
Core means that the feature is enabled on all nodes without admin nor user control.
I only recently figured this one out after around 6 months. I was making forums by logging out and then trying to delegate myself to the forum. It should be at settings>manage accounts>then click on the blue that says register an additional account. Someday I'd love to see a forums tab that takes you directly there and walks you through creating them seamlessly but building the plane in flight is hard and its more about the function than the usability at this point. I'm sure they will fix that in the future.
Also, sorry if this is going beyond, but could you please include the language filter as core (assuming its any good at the moment)? Didn't know it was a thing because my instance doesn't have it. I barely scroll global to add people on friendica because I have to sift through so many languages that I don't understand. I have to do that on mastodon. With it I could probably abandon my mastodon account and work here entirely.
Unfortunately this isn't planned, please reach out to your node admin (who I believe is @">Anadam :-D ) to ask them to enable this addon. If they don't answer or refuse, you can make use of the account migration feature to move to a node that has it activated.
Cool I've reached out so far, Thanks!