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better search?

!Friendica Support any recommendations on how to search for a particular post/thread? I had participated in a thread with @Hypolite Petovan a while back discussing the differences advantages and disadvantages between the polycentric 'verse and some P2P social media. I wanted to reference it again to look up more on the particular P2P that had been discussed, but I can't for the life of me find it. I should have favorited it, but I didn't. I can't find a way to limit my search to @Hypolite Petovan or even just friends/conversations so I get a whole 'verse full of results for "P2P" and "P2P Social Media"
We support the binary search from MySQL. So possibly some +hypolite +p2p could work.
I can't find the original post with +p2p +"Ji Fu" nor +p2p +ji or +p2p +fu or +p2p or +p2p + so it's definitely perfectible, not sure how though, we don't control the MySQL fulltext index.
The search only searches in the body. We could maintain some kind of search index, but this would nearly double the storage space needed for the post-content table, I guess.
Doesn't the body include the link to the mentioned profile and/or the webfinger address?
It should - but I have to make some tests to have got a little bit more insight.
@Michael Vogel I don't know a lot about this stuff, but wouldn't it only show in that if specifically tagged the user in the post like I just did, but not when doing so implicitly by reply to the comment like as you did to @Hypolite Petovan ?
@Ji Fu Yes, the post owner need to add #hashtags . Then you can very easily search for them by entering them (including #) in the search form above. But I guess you look for some mention- or participation-search? I guess that's not available.
I did figure out what I was looking for, actually through an unrelated Internet search when I was trying to find how to post to Friendica via XMPP. I really wished I had favorited that thread though, it was a good thread. @Hypolite Petovan do you have any recollection of the specific thread I am speaking of?
I couldn't find anything relevant with XMPP and Friendica in my search.
right, the XMPP reference was just about how I found #scuttleButt again when I did a DuckDuckGo search for "post to Friendica via XMPP" I was just asking, as a general side conversation that is unimportant, if you happen to remember the conversation we had had with that one dude about how the #Fediverse is awful and we should all be using P2P social networking [because facism is good, or some such nonsense].
No, I do not remember, thank goodness!