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Current weather outside: Snow fog.
Current situation inside: Lap warm.

#dogs #dogsOfTheFediverse #Colorado

My UI doesn’t do Alt Text. So, here ya go: Two photos of small black dog nestled in striped blanket. In one photo, dog’s face is in center of frame, looking into camera, human hand laying on his body in background. In the other, dog curled symmetrically, center in frame, shirt of human behind him.

This entry was edited (1 year ago)

My cats express complete solidarity 😀

P.S. If you use Friendica from the web you can still add alt text by inserting photos first and then typing it between img tags: [img=...]alt text goes here[/img]


Hydrofoil boat on Neva river
But I can’t see the alt text you entered, even when I select your photo. So, that’s awkward.

Yes, Friendica doesn't show alt text for some reason. But it is there 😀 Here how it looks in Mastodon (or you can just check image properties in desktop browser):

Myself I never added alt texts for images but recently I stumbled upon a few blind people here using screenreaders and now I'll try to remember to use this feature more often.