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hello #MastoAdmin

someone on here wants to change the capitalization of their handle

in the past i tried this via the ruby console, but it caused problems where the user in question couldn't be mentioned from other instances easily because it would correct itself to the wrong capitalization

i'm thinking of having the user delete their account, freeing up the handle in the database manually, and then having them recreate it

but i'm afraid of just breaking the account further

does anyone know what would happen
I can tell your for Friendica: we use case-insensitive handles (and domain) as a unique key to identify remote accounts and store their public cryptographic key for authentication. Deleting the account and creating a new one will generate a new key pair but we’ll still check signatures against the one we had for the previous account because capitalization is irrelevant to us. This may lead all the posts from the new account to be rejected by Friendica nodes that knew about the old account.
This entry was edited (3 years ago)