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Items tagged with: climate change

TROM II: Mountains of Waste

Watch the entire documentary here -

TROM II: 3. Earth

There is only one, and one only. A few kilometers of crust layered with a few kilometers of atmosphere. A seemingly endless variety of plants and animals. And yet, the 8 billion humans inhabiting it are naively ignoring the fragility of this ecosystem. If Earth was an island, it would be the only one in a vast empty ocean.

Humans are the rulers of this world, with no corner left untouched by them. Rulers who think that they might be exempt from the rest of nature. But the destruction of this habitat is starting to have

TROM II: A Message to The Aliens (trailer)

We live in a world where everyone is busy, everyone is consumed, everyone seems confused. Money, social credits, ads, data collection, prices and billionaires. Climate change? Who cares!

A one-marble world, floating in a giant soup of stars and planets, clustered in donut-shaped galaxies.

What are these humans living for?

In a 5 hour, 4 parts documentary, we try to explore their world, to understand what makes them human, what makes them enslave their kind, destroy their habitat, and be unaware of their place in this universe. But also what makes them so special.

Through the lives of 5 humans, we look at the culture that creates them, their struggles growing up on this planet, and where they are headed toward.
Watch it here: