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Items tagged with: Ukraine

Ich wünschte noch nie
einem Wesen etwas Böses ...
aber bevor tausend junge Menschen ihr Leben für den Wunschtraum eines einzelnen lassen müssen, wünsche ich ihm einen tödlichen Herzinfarkt! Wie viele können dadurch weiterleben, es wäre ein schönes Opfer. Irina Rauthmann


We stand united and firm in our support to #Ukraine and its people.



[2022-02-28 16:04 UTC]

#Russia seems to plan the annexation of #Ukraine:

#StandWithUkraine #FreeCrimea #FreeDonbas 🇺🇦

Many self-proclaimed “peace activists” are demanding the unconditional surrender of the #Ukrainian resistance in favour of a russian dictatorial #peace. They fail to understand, however, that a #russian military victory would not alleviate the Ukrainians’ suffering in the slightest, because #putin’s goal is evidently the annihilation of the Ukrainian people and culture.

[1/3] #Ukraine #StandWithUkraine #russia

Still it is #caturday




Also Bucha

#cats of #Ukraine #nowar

It was incredibly brave. This will be remembered. The linked article gives good overview of the situation as well. #Russia #Ukraine #NoWar

A very insightful article about #ukraine and peace from Kissinger.
From 2014.

I am fleeing #Ukraine and heading to #Hungary. What do I need to know?

Article for refugees.