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Items tagged with: vote

How to stop supporting propaganda masquerading as news. Stop visiting their sites and reading their nonsense. Here’s how it works.

1) See clickbaity outrageous headline.
2) You click, as a responsible informed citizen.
3) Read it.
4) You feel more outrage.

Repeat infinitely.

When you ask, “How can anyone believe such things?” You are being perfectly rational, but missing the point. The outrage is the point.

The subtext of every article, every loud mouthed video, every shitty meme, is the erosion of our basic assumptions. Kill the rational and replace it with outrage and any conman can become an authority on anything.

Stop clicking on shitposts.

#vote #nyt #wapo #fox #wsg

When it comes to social changes Republicans are perfectly fine with school/mass shootings becoming the new normal and don't see any problem with kids being radicalized online when it's about white supremacy.

I know I'm preaching to the choir here but it's just another example of Republicans wanting to have it both ways when they claim that 'Woke culture' is dangerous because 'we didn't have that before' and that social media are evil for spreading it.

You won't change any Republicans' mind with that but I think it's still a good way to expose what their 'values' truly are for everyone to see.

#maga #Republicans #GunControl #MassShooting #transphobia #lgbtq #WhiteSupremacy #vote

Tryna decide whether to vote for the rapist team or the pedophile team. #vote