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Items tagged with: publictransport

I don't like to say it but in Malaysia I felt like I was breathing again. I felt like things were made for Human life.
Here in the States it feels like our environment is never about making our lives easier (and certainly not better).
It's aggressive. It's hostile.

I didn't leave the States for 10 years and now I almost wish I hadn't because I had forgotten what it was like not just being able to walk everywhere in a city but actually enjoying walking in a city.

I don't regret moving to the States.
As a trans non-binary person this is still the best place to be even with all the hatred we face.
But it's also one of the most dehumanizing living environment I've ever seen.

#WalkableCities #environment #Urbanism #Green #city #lifestyle #cars #PublicTransport #USA

Almost every day I've to drive past a high school or rather the parking lot of a high school. It's a wealthy area so most of the kids there get their own car at 16.
1 kid = 1 car.
Next block is a primary school with the same principle 1 kid = 1 pick-up car.
If I'm unlucky enough to be there around 3pm I've to witness one of the worst display of Human stupidity and selfishness where hundreds of kids and parents drive empty cars in the same directions.
How can I have any hope for the future when I see wealthy and I assume, educated people rejecting car pooling probably on the ground that it's child abuse to force kids to share a car or worst, use public transportation (the horror! /s).
Car culture is destroying not just the planet, it's destroying social solidarity.

#car #publictransport #school #america #ClimateChange

So I totaled my car a few days ago.

If I had access to public transportation I could have carried on with my life while building up my finances for an EV or at least an hybrid.
But no.
Because states and cities refuse to invest into correct public transportation I had literally no choice but to get a cheap gas one in a hurry.

This really pisses me off.

I'll never say it loud enough: public transportation is fundamental to fight both social inequality and climate change.

#climatechange #publictransport #carculture #ev #hybrid #socialinequality

So I caught the recruiting tram again and made more photos for all you dorks 😄

(This is a tram that runs in Budapest that has clear paneling so you can see the inner workings. They use it to recruit engineers and mechanics for public transport.)

#Budapest #trams #tramstodon #PublicTransport
Clear paneling on ground level by the wheels, showing circuitry. The sign says "Look behind the walls!" In Hungarian. Clear panel inside the tram at floor level. Showing... complicated mechanical and electrical stuff.
Clear panel by the wheels, showing ehat I assume is the braking mechanism? I am very bad at this. Partial sign says "would you like to know more? Look for our job advertisements and work for us" in Hungarian. Clear panel above the doors, showing the opening mechanism.

Hi Mastodon! I’m a brand new #PeerTube instance dedicated to #urbanism. I don't have much content right now; you can help! Let’s share videos to build more walkable, livable places.

#Cycling #Walking #PublicTransport #TrafficViolence #BanCars #ActiveTransport #BikeTooter