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Items tagged with: nhs

Our new dentist surgery dumped NHS patients at the first possible chance. They also have “pay as you go” and tiered payment plans. The more you pay, the quicker you get to see the dentist. Money buys you access.

This is what private health looks like. Fight for your #NHS

Only just spotted this.
Twenty #NHS trusts are sharing intimate details about patients’ medical conditions, appointments & treatments with #Facebook without consent and despite promising never to do so.
"The data includes granular details of pages viewed, buttons clicked and keywords searched. It is matched to the user’s IP address – an identifier linked to an individual or household – and in many cases details of their Facebook account"

#Meta #DataPrivacy #MetaPixel

Je suis vaccinée depuis mardi. Deuxième piqûre est prévue en mi-août. Un grand merci aux chercheur·ses universitaires, aux virologues, aux laveur·ses de tubes à essais, aux ouvrier·es de l'industrie pharmaceutique, aux medecin·es et aux infirmier·es. Un bel effort multidiscplinaire ! #merci #nhs