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Items tagged with: coding

Introducing the Newsmast Programming Community Feed. Hand-curated content from all over the Fediverse. A mix of hashtags, follows, filters and mutes to bring you up to date, engaging posts. Published by as part of our mission to make knowledge accessible across social media.

Just follow, create a list, add the feed and exclude from your home timeline - see the bio for more tips.

Please boost and help share knowledge in the Fediverse.

#programming #code #coding

Day 18 of #100DaysOfRust

What I didn't quite understand yesterday, I realized today why this exists. Put simply, this is just a function that is only used at one logic point and is a nameless function. Even as I delve deeper and deeper into the subject of #Rust, the more I see that it is only through a real project that we really #learn how to handle and use it šŸ¦€

#100daysofcode #learning #coding #rustlang #project #code #understand

Taking a pause on my #CSS course for a little bit to actually practice what I've learned. I'm getting through the course and actually grasping what I'm learning, but the problem with the course I'm taking is I don't think there are enough exercises for me to actually retain it all. So to practice, I'm using other websites as reference and attempting to copy the look of it and build it from scratch using what I've learned so far. Seems to be a great strategy and is helping but if anyone knows of any sites that have some really great beginner CSS #coding exercises, send 'em my way and I'll give them a try!

Hi everyone,

my name is Till, I'm a radio amateur and electrical engineer, originally from #Berlin, now living in southern Germany. My favourite hashtags are

#astrophysics #astrophysik
#reading #lesen
#biking #fahrrad
#hiking #wandern

and of course #hamradio #amateurfunk. I'd love to hear from you, be it here or in a qso :radio_tower:

#introduction #newHere #neuHier

Since many users are joining today and in the future, a #introduction #introductions refresh for those new or want to get a reminder of who I'm about:

Here's some hashtags. If you relate to any of these and more, I would love to interact with you all!


And many more, just ask!

It's time for a new #Introduction post! :blobcathappypaws:

Hey, I'm Benjamin! :ablobcatwave:
My native language is German, I also speak English and a little bit of Spanish.

Most of my time, I'm #coding or outside taking #photos. I'm interested in free and open source software, web dev and blogging.

I'm Christian and I try my best to live like God wants me to.

I'm currently listening to #NF on repeat.
I have two #cats, Peach and Balu - they're the best. :blobcatlove:
