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Items tagged with: apollo50

Today is the 50th anniversary of the last time humans went to the Moon.

Apollo 17, the final mission of the Apollo program and the last time we ventured beyond low Earth orbit, launched from Kennedy Space Center #OTD in 1972.

Images: NASA
Color photo of the lunar lander returning to the orbiter above the Moon's surface. A color photo of the Apollo 17 lunar rover. The sun is just outside the frame, causing long shadows and substantial optical artifacts. An astronaut in the distance is seen in profile. The rover has a large radio dish mounted on the back.
One of the Apollo 17 astronauts standing with the rose. Their visor is a reflective gold color, while copper-colored foil wraps many of the components of the rover. A large, umbrella-like radio dish is mounted on the from of the rover. A large gray hill rises in the background. A color photo of Earth taken by the Apollo 17 astronauts. The arc of the planet cuts down the middle of the photo, with part of Earth occupying the left-hand side of the frame. There is a great deal of swirling white cloud cover over blue oceans and brown land masses. Madagascar is visible, as well as parts of Mozambique and Zimbabwe.