Items tagged with: SpaceX
Ok, that #SpaceX #starship booster landing on the launchpad tower chopsticks was ridiculously impressive, what the heck.
The world is indeed becoming like a really bad bad dark comedy.
I suggest they take a shit from there to see how it lands on Earth. They are already shitting all over the planet anyway...
At the same time:
Yeah....not much can be said...
#nasa #space #spacex #billionairs #capitalism
New Radio Astronomical Observations Confirm Unintended Electromagnetic Radiation Emanating from Large Satellite Constellations >>>
Anybody surprised?
And the plan is to let him launch 30,000 of these monstrosities!
Sign the petition: STOP! SpaceX Starlink from Spoiling Outer Space for Humanity. >>>
More on @AstroMigration
#SpaceX #StarLink #SpaceJunk
🇵🇱 Nie hejtuję misji kosmicznych, wręcz przeciwnie jestem ich fanem, ale czy ktoś kiedyś policzył ile substancji szkodliwych dla naszej planety jest uwalnianych podczas startu takie rakiety jak #SpaceX #SuperHeavy? 😉
Astronomers find growing number of Starlink satellite tracks
SpaceX's approved satellites will mean all this telescope's images will have tracks.Ars Technica