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Items tagged with: Odysee

Pour ce qui est de BLOQUER les puants je ne vois pas très bien comment!...
Sur #Mastodon social en ponctuel, sinon #Odysee (films, politique...) hors censure. Les 2 sont clean côté trackers.

If you missed it, @thelinuxEXP has a really solid write-up about his decision to leave Odysee. FWIW, before starting TILvids, as a creator I considered using #Odysee but opted out for similar reasons. Not finding a #PeerTube instance that was what I was looking for, I decided to just start my own.

So happy for all the creators joining us on our community-focused edutainment instance. Go read Nick's write-up if you missed it, and make sure to subscribe to his channel! 💙

Everyone gangsta until youtube turns on ads for all videos.
P.S. You dont get the 40% cut unless you have 4,000 valid public watch hours in the last 12 months.

YouTube’s right to monetize: #YouTube has the right to #monetize all content on the platform and #ads may appear on videos from channels not in the YouTube Partner Program.

#ublockorigin #odysee #peertube