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Items tagged with: IWW

Today in Labor History September 12, 1918: Eugene V. Debs, Labor leader and socialist, was sentenced to 10 years, under the Sedition Act, for opposing World War I. While in jail he received one million votes for president. In the late 1800s, he led several railroad strikes and helped found the American Railway Union. In 1905, he cofounded the IWW, along with Big Bill Haywood, Mother Jones, Lucy Parsons, James Connolly, and others. He ran for president as a socialist five times in his life.




Today in Labor History September 12, 1918: Eugene V. Debs, Labor leader and socialist, was sentenced to 10 years, under the Sedition Act, for opposing World War I. While in jail he received one million votes for president. In the late 1800s, he led several railroad strikes and helped found the American Railway Union. In 1905, he cofounded the IWW, along with Big Bill Haywood, Mother Jones, Lucy Parsons, James Connolly, and others. He ran for president as a socialist five times in his life.

#workingclass #LaborHistory #eugenedebs #socialism #IWW #union #strike #antiwar #sedition #prison #potus #motherjones #bigbillhaywood #lucyparsons

Campaign poster from his 1912 presidential campaign featuring Debs and vice presidential candidate Emil Seidel. Public Domain,

Content warning: Police Brutality; Vigilantes

Epicurus was easily the philosopher with the biggest quality of life impact on my life from school. I was never going to be the best at anything, but suddenly I was able to be satisfied with what I had. My academic fall from grace was inevitable, but it didn't destroy my sense of self worth, largely because my ideas of what was important in life shifted to relationships and simple pleasures.

Years later, as work started to feel just as fruitless a pursuit as academia, the #IWW and #antiwork notion that we all deserve lives that support "leisure and the pursuit of the finer things in life" Epicurus seemed like an obvious core influence. What good is toil if it doesn't allow you to enjoy yourself from time to time? To idle away an afternoon in a scene plucked from Wind in the Willows: you and a close friend on a lazy bike ride to a picnic spot on a river bank where you can idle away an afternoon with a good, simple spread, perhaps a line in the water or a kite in the sky, just watching the world move around you as you engage in pleasant conversation?
